Divorce can be a tragic thing. It's rather difficult to watch a relationship crumble and fall apart, especially when you are close to the couple. It’s one of the most stressful events a person can go through and should not be taken lightly.
Having said that... WOOOOO!!!! Eva Longoria is single again! Granted, Tony Parker is a successful professional athlete and can probably outperform me in any athletic contest, but since she’s splitting with him, maybe she’s not into that stuff any more? Hey, Rome was built on a delusion (that’s how the saying goes, right?) so I have a shot with the newly minted Ms. Longoria.
Wait, you mean Parker was the one that filed for divorce? Total and pure speculation would lead a person to possibly assume that Longoria could be a controlling and evil bitch in that case. But again, that’s pure speculation. Maybe Parker would like to shoot some hoops and clear his mind.
Well, either way, not taking sides on this one leaves us a winner either way so we’ll just go back to looking at pictures of Eva Longoria and coming to grips with the fact that we’re no longer closer to dating than we were when she was married. Sigh.
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